The secret behind the softest clothing on the planet.


The secret behind the softest clothing on the planet.

We believe our Little Sprouts deserve a little luxury, too. Our TierraLuxe™ fabric is buttery soft, naturally hypoallergenic, and highly breathable to pamper their delicate skin with gentle comfort.

The Spanish term for “earth” honors Cuddle Sprout’s founder Yenny’s Colombian heritage while encompas sing our commitment to protecting the environment while creating comfortable styles for Little Ones.

Why TENCEL™ Lyocell?

Our TierraLuxe™ fabric is crafted with Lenzing-certified TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers, ensuring the best in quality, comfort, and sustainability.
Because we believe our babies and the planet deserve nothing but the best.



The best fabric for babies to wear for sleep, play, or any time of day is undoubtedly Tencel lyocell. Babies’ delicate skin and unique needs call for a fabric that is gentle, soft, breathable, durable, and moisture-wicking. Tencel lyocell checks all the boxes, providing a naturally soft and hypoallergenic fabric that pampers babies with gentle comfort while minimizing irritation. Additionally, Tencel lyocell boasts exceptional moisture-wicking abilities and is highly breathable, helping to regulate your baby's body temperature, reducing discomfort and temperature fluctuations that disturb peaceful sleep.

Furthermore, thanks to its award winning closed-loop production process, TENCEL™ branded lyocell is a sustainably sourced textile that requires less water and fewer chemicals to produce than other popular and more traditional fabrics. Therefore, by choosing our TierraLuxe™ fabric made with TENCEL™ lyocell fibers, you can feel confident choosing optimal quality and comfort for your baby while making a better choice for the environment. 

When it comes to baby clothing and bedding, Tencel lyocell is the superior choice over Tencel modal. Not only does Tencel Lyocell provide a more luxurious feel and lasting durability, the textile’s highly breathable and moisture-wicking properties provide optimal thermoregulation to minimize the risk of overheating and general discomfort for little ones. Additionally, while both Tencel fiber variations are derived from natural and raw sources, Tencel Lyocell fibers are created using the latest and most advanced technology and sustainable processes. Compared to modal fibers and other textiles, Tencel Lyocell is produced using one organic solvent versus various harsher chemicals.Ultimately, we chose TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for our TierraLuxe™ fabric to ensure the utmost comfort, safety, and well-being for your little one.

Compared to bamboo, Tencel is a better option for baby sleepwear for many reasons. While both fabrics are breathable, Tencel outperforms bamboo in its moisture-wicking, absorbency, and durability, creating long-lasting comfort at any time of the year. Tencel also has an unmatched silky softness, making it a gentler option for delicate skin during sleep. Additionally, Tencel is produced in a highly sustainable closed-loop process that uses fewer chemicals and resources than bamboo while also leading to less waste overall. That means the fabric is cleaner for babies and the planet. Our TierraLuxe™ fabric is crafted with Lenzing-certified TENCEL™, ensuring the best in quality, comfort, and sustainability. 

Compared to cotton, Tencel is naturally softer, more breathable, and has superior moisture-wicking properties. As a result, your baby will experience optimal comfort and care without the risk of overheating or irritation. Cotton, on the other hand, often traps heat and can lead to night sweats, overheating, and general discomfort. Additionally, conventional cotton is grown using harmful pesticides and is often dyed and softened with harsh and potentially harmful chemicals. 

Moreover, Tencel is made using sustainably sourced raw wood materials and a highly regulated closed-loop process free of harsh chemicals and toxins. Conversely, conventionally-grown cotton relies on heavy water consumption, vast land use, and harmful agrochemicals. While organic cotton does not use as many chemicals, it still takes a great toll on the environment due to heavy resource use. 

Therefore, not only is Tencel a better choice for the environment but, when cared for properly, Tencel baby clothes will provide long-lasting and superior comfort for your little one.